We now have virtually all of our agricultural land back in hand after many decades of tenancies.
These 2600 acres are home to our herd of lovely Luing cattle from which we get top class Luing replacements for our own herd with plenty of extras for sale along with a more commercial Simmental/Luing herd which allies with Angus bulls to produce faster growing but still very tasty calves.
We firmly believe in the taste profile of Luing beef and in the conservation benefits of extensive out-wintering of Luings on the hill; we still have a good showing of curlews and snipe breeding on the hill so they're enjoying the gentleness of the cattle's presence.
We also run a small flock of Romney ewes to produce lambs for our production flock of sheep. These ewe lambs grow into gentle but quite prolific mothers which generally raise two lambs every year. Our sheep flock act very much as conservation graziers, tidying up after the cattle and helping to maintain grass cover and improving our soil fertility.
All our animals live as natural lives as we can balance with their welfare, aiming to be 100% grass fed where possible, slow growing to maximise flavour and as healthy and happy as we can make them.