We can offer salmon and seatrout fishing on the Tweed at the Nest Beat which, being in Upper Tweed, comes into its own in September and October although both salmon and sea trout can appear throughout the year and produce pleasant surprises for the bold.
We have taken back the bookings for The Nest in house so please feel free to enquire from James Pringle on nest@torwoodlee.com as to prices and availability. We do not have a ghillie at present so you'll need to be fairly confident but please do ask.
Wild brownies can, of course, be found in both rivers during the season and the knowledgeable can try for grayling – the Lady of the Stream. Click here to visit Gala Angling Association website.

More and more people come to Torwoodlee to enjoy seeing and photographing our native flora and fauna including some specialities such as red squirrels, otters and roe deer as well as a host of less well known or little noticed species of animal, bird, insect, plant, moss and lichen.

Torwoodlee Golf Club runs a charming 18 hole course, owned by and leased from the Estate.
It runs to a gents' yardage of 6021 yards par 69 sss70 and is one of the most challenging and respected golf courses in the south of Scotland.
Beautifully set among mature trees and at times alongside the Gala Water, players are rewarded during their round with majestic scenery and abundant wildlife.